We are forming a new community of people in Denver who are committed to following the original message and teachings of Jesus for the glory of God and the good of the city. 

When Jesus used the word church in Matthew 16:18 he imagined his followers as a called out community gathered together for the purpose of proclaiming the gospel message. He built them together to identify with and announce the truth that, “you are the Christ, the Son of the living God!” (Matthew 16:16). 2000 years later, our hope is to launch another church, a gathered body under the Lordship of Christ with a public assembly and proclamation of the gospel to the city. 

Fellow Citizens Church will prioritize: 


We have a message of good news for all. Jesus Christ is Lord and King and is ushering in his Kingdom, restoring what has been broken and lost from the fall. His death atones for all our sin and his resurrection is the firstfruits of the redemption of our bodies, and eventually the whole world.  His gospel holds the power to redeem and restore the broken and lost parts of Denver. It is a message of peace, drawing people together to be fellow citizens with the Saints and members of the household of God (Eph 2:19).


We are building a public assembly marked by Word, worship, prayer, and the Lord's table. Discipleship to Jesus means we belong to God and we belong to the family of God, the people of the new kingdom. Gathering together on the Lord’s Day shapes us into the community of faith, tuning our hearts to worship the King and submit our lives to him. We are a community aligned with the greater story of the gospel, the highlight of which is the invitation into the presence of the resurrected Jesus at the Lord’s Table. Sunday gatherings are also public proclamations to the city of the good news, which means those disconnected from a faith community are intentionally considered. Gatherings prioritize the beauty and glory of God, the instruction of His Word, warm invitation, and onramps for deeper discipleship.


Fellow Citizens Church is a church in the city and for the city of Denver. Institutional leaders are doubling down and committing to the urban core of Denver and it's future development, and so are we! The city is growing at a rapid pace, and we need churches to meet this growth by building new communities that follow Jesus and love the city. When citizens of a city let Jesus inform their public life, the whole city is blessed and experiences greater flourishing. 


We are building a network of homegroups throughout the city in order to foster relational investment in each other's lives. Denverites mostly prioritize independence and personal freedom at the expense of having deep and consistent connections to friends, family, and neighbors. The result is often isolation and loneliness. However, since we have been welcomed into the household of God, we want to open up our homes to extend radical hospitality to one another and walk through life together in encouraging relationships. 


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