We affirm the ecumenical (universal) creeds that were written in the early centuries of Christianity and are now widely accepted as the parameters of authentic Christian faith. These creeds are:

  • The Apostles Creed (ca. 100 AD)
  •  The Nicene Creed (325, 381)
  •  The Creed of Chalcedon (451)


We affirm the truths that are essential to expressing Jesus and the Apostles’ original message, aka “the gospel.” These include:

  • The Trinity: The One God eternally exists as three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit
  • The Person of Jesus: He is fully God and fully man in one person.
  • The Work of Jesus: Through his incarnation, death, and resurrection he accomplishes salvation of his people and inaugurates the Kingdom of God. He will one day return to complete the Kingdom.
  • Humanity: All people are created in God’s image, but all have sinned and fallen short of his glory.
  • Salvation: We need to be reconciled to God and set free from sin. Jesus does this for us through his life, death, resurrection, and return. We don’t have to earn this or be “good enough.” We simply receive it as a gift of grace through faith in Jesus.
  • The Bible: Scripture is God’s inspired and inerrant word. The whole Bible points us to Jesus, his gospel, and its implications for our lives.


We exist to help people learn, grow, understand, and apply the gospel. And even if you affirm the gospel, there’s still plenty more to learn and plenty more to apply to your life.

Therefore, we don’t put forth these belief-statements as a way of saying, “You have to understand and agree with all of this to be part of us.” Rather, we want to be upfront about where we’re coming from. These are the kinds of things you’ll hear taught and discussed in our midst.